What is the healthinspections.gov.yk.ca website?
The healthinspections.gov.yk.ca website provides easy access to inspection reports conducted by Yukon Environmental Health Officers. At this time, Food Establishment and Personal Services Establishment inspections are available on this site.
Food Establishments include restaurants, bars, cafeterias, butcher shops, grocery stores, etc.
Personal Services Establishments include tattoo parlors, massage therapy clinics, hair salons, barber shops, aesthetic studios, etc.
Why does Environmental Health Services make health inspection information available to the public?
In recent years we have received numerous requests for access to this information. We are committed to providing quality health inspection services and informing the public about our work. This site is intended to improve access to information available to the public.
Can the owner / operator of an establishment request that the details of an inspection of their facility not be posted on this website?
No. Public release of this information meets the objectives of transparency and is in line with disclosure practices in other provinces. Details of any complaints will not be made public; only inspection reports.
What if the owner/operator of an establishment disagrees with information about their facility that is posted on this website?
Owners / Operators who have concerns regarding their facility information may contact the Manager of Environmental Health Services to have the information reviewed. If an error was made, the information will be corrected as soon as possible.
What do the online inspection reports include?
The reports reflect the condition of the establishment at the time of the inspection. Viewers are cautioned against interpreting the status of a particular facility based on a single inspection. In most cases, establishments make the required changes as soon as possible to ensure they are providing their clients with the best possible service. Viewers should consider the nature of the non-compliances and if they are found repeatedly.
The online report shows the name and address of the establishment, the type of inspection (routine, follow-up, complaint) and identifies the infractions (non-compliances) found during the inspection. The reports do not include the “hand-typed” comments provided to the operator by the Health Officer; these comments are intended to provide additional specific information to help the owner/operator correct the infraction and will not be available to the public.
Is the website always up to date?
Inspection reports are uploaded on a weekly basis, check back regularly for updates.
How long are inspection results available online?
Inspection results will be available online for three years. When an establishment closes the results will be removed.
How often are establishments inspected?
The frequency of inspections depends on a number of different factors. For Food Establishments the frequency ranges from a minimum of one inspection every three years to two inspections per year. For Personal Services Establishments the inspection frequency depends on the type of services offered; establishments that perform invasive services such as piercings or tattoos are inspected one time per year whereas those that do not (haircuts) are inspected once every three years.
Why are there no inspections listed for some establishments?
Environmental Health Services conducts inspections to meet the minimum inspection frequency targets set for the type of establishment. If inspection results are not available it is likely that the establishment has an inspection frequency of less than one inspection per year.
Does an owner know when an inspector is coming?
The majority of inspections are performed without notice. An inspection can occur at any time the establishment is open to the public. In some cases inspections are scheduled due to the nature of the services offered or when the establishment does not maintain regular business hours.
How are regulations enforced?
Environmental Health Services follows a progressive enforcement strategy to achieve compliance. Compliance with regulations is usually achieved through education, by communicating and discussing requirements with the owner/operator. If stronger actions are required, an Environmental Health Officer has a number of enforcement options including attaching conditions to permits, issuing orders, closing an establishment and laying charges.
When would an establishment be closed by Environmental Health Services?
A facility would be closed immediately if an Environmental Health Officer identifies a condition that is an immediate risk to public health. The following are examples of when this might occur for a Food Establishment:
- foodborne illness outbreak
- lack of safe (potable) drinking water
- sewage backup
- serious unsanitary conditions
- serious insect or rodent infestation
- inadequate or malfunctioning operating equipment
How does Environmental Health Services handle complaints received from members of the public?
Environmental Health Officers will investigate the complaint to determine the degree of public health risk before deciding on an appropriate course of action. Complaints can be submitted by contacting Environmental Health Services using the contact information found above or directly through this website.